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Date Station Program DJ Track Played
24-Jun KUOM Now Like Photographs   Delicate Bob Nine
16-Jun WBSR Joanne's Theory of A Radio Show   Little Rebellious Aspects
6-Mar WMBR The New Edge Ken Field Schweet,
Delicate Bob Nine
2-Feb KUOM Now Like Photographs   Little Rebellious Aspects
11-Feb RTR Difficult Listening Bryce Moore Sandy Combes Delicate Bob Nine
10-Jan WMBR Sigtronica DJ Nick Knouf
Civilians and Piano Duet
31-Dec RTR Difficult Listening Bryce Moore Sandy Combes Juan
12-Nov WFMU Acapulco Dance Party Alcapulco Rodriguez Schweet
11-Nov KDVS Mr. Monster DJ MonStar Kyoto Korma
23-Oct KVRX Concepts and Problems Sarah Little Rebellious Aspects
22-Oct RTR Difficult Listening Bryce Moore Sandy Combes Delicate Bob Nine
20-Oct WFMU Bill Zurat Bill Civilians
17-Oct WMBR The New Edge Ken Field Civilians
16-Oct WFMU John Allen John Allen Among Our First Toys
10-Oct KUOM Now Like Photographs Joe & Chris Kyoto Korma
7-Oct WFMU Acapulco Dance Party Alcapulco Rodriguez Custom Hybrid
4-Oct WFMU Maria Lavitsky Maria Cantate
3-Oct WMBR The New Edge Ken Field Civilians
1-Oct WFMU Inlfatable Squirrel Carcass Rich Hazelton Piano Duet
29-Sep WFMU Woody's Show Woody Delicate Bob Nine
24-Sep RTR Difficult Listening Bryce Moore Sandy Combes Civilians
23-Sep KAOS Super Secret Lodge Show Aerick Duckhugger Cantate
19-Sep KDVS Art For Spastics DJ Rick Little Rebellious Aspects
9-Sep KPSU What's This Called Ricardo Wang Civilians
2-Sep KPSU What's This Called Ricardo Wang Custom Hybrid
6-Sep WNUR Classical and Beyond Bob Falesch All 11