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dog by Mikael Karlsson and Rob Stephenson is an eclectic collection of eleven tracks that fuse contemporary classical composition, improvisation, musique concrete, spoken word, and a variety of electronic techniques.

Collages of sound were formed using a range of aleatoric games, systematic procedures, found sounds, conventional notation, lopsided electronic sequencing, and the deliberate misuse of software and hardware.

Civilians, the last track on dog, opens the film L. A. Zombie which screens at the Toronto Film Festival
September 16 - 19, 2010
and will screen at festivals throughout the season.

Xenoglossia - a new piece by Mikael and Rob is part of the Terry Riley Remix Project

available digitally on October 27. 2009

and physically on a double CD from NAXOS/INNOVA Recordings on November 17, 2009

Terry Riley Remixed concert on
Sunday, November 8, 2009 in NYC

Check out our radio play listing for information about radio stations that played tracks from the Dog CD.

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